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We often come across this question and are ready to give a detailed answer.
For an orthodontist, there are two stages in which it is necessary to use magnification:
1. Diagnosis/examination before installation of bracket systems.
With the use of binocular magnifiers, the orthodontist has the opportunity to conduct a qualitative examination of the soft tissues of the oral cavity for the presence of inflammation, calculus and other subgingival deposits. Hard tissues of the tooth for the presence of caries in hard-to-reach places and the presence of cracks.

2. Completion of orthodontic treatment/removal of the brace system.
Brackets are fixed on an adhesive composite material (glue). When removing the brace system, the orthodontist must remove this composite from the tooth enamel without damaging the enamel. Magnification combined with a blue filter will help at this stage. The blue filter with a plug-in gives a clear contrast between the composite and the enamel, accordingly, the doctor removes only the composite without touching the enamel, after removing the glue, the enamel can be polished qualitatively.
In addition to these two stages, an orthodontist can conduct intermediate examinations to detect new diseases and, if they are present, refer to the appropriate specialists in the early stages of diseases.

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